The styling is great and that makes the pictures even better!
The whole atmosphere of this shoot makes me all dreamy..
It kind of reminds me of Madonna's Frozen video it's dreamy and haunting at the same time.
Love-love-love this shoot!

can someone lend me their creditcard because i don´t have one..
or even better.. is someone vacationing in New York, Brooklyn so he or she can pick up my coat at the oak store..
I appreciate it!
Why do I have a girl crush on her?
I love her style, her music and her voice!
She has that kind of "i dont give a fck" attitude and I like girls who have that kind of attitude.
+ her grunge-glam-punk look is bad-ass.
I'm listening The Dead Weather album the whole day!
how addictive is 60 feet tall?.. I'm just saying.
+ I love Jack White too he can do no wrong.
Shot by Dancian and styled by Sarah Bachs.